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Fallout Bible 6

by Thomas on July 10, 2002 @ 5:20 p.m. PDT

Black Isle Studios tossed up another exciting update from the world of Fallout, filled with questions galore, questions with answers, questions without answers, pies in the face, the EPA, occasional mentions of Dave Hendee, the final fate of the deathclaws, why Horrigan is in that silly armor, and a brief summary of the life and times of the New California Republic and the Brotherhood of Steel. Have fun! Be warned - it's a hefty file filled with all manner of heftiness. Grab this 800KB .pdf bible here!
Black Isle Studios tossed up another exciting update from the world of Fallout, filled with questions galore, questions with answers, questions without answers, pies in the face, the EPA, occasional mentions of Dave Hendee, the final fate of the deathclaws, why Horrigan is in that silly armor, and a brief summary of the life and times of the New California Republic and the Brotherhood of Steel. Have fun! Be warned - it's a hefty file filled with all manner of heftiness. Grab this 800KB .pdf bible here!
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