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Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Genre: RPG/Action
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Developer: Piranha Bytes
Release Date: Oct. 17, 2017

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'ELEX' (ALL) Introduces The Berserker Faction - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on May 4, 2017 @ 10:20 a.m. PDT

ELEX is an action RPG experience set in a brand new post-apocalyptic science fantasy universe that puts players into a huge, seamless game world full of original characters, mutated creatures, deep moral choices and powerful action.

Elex is set against the backdrop of a brand new post-apocalyptic science fantasy universe that immerses players in a vast, seamless game world full of interesting characters, mutated creatures, deep moral choices and of course, some thrilling action.

Magalan, the completely open game world of Elex, was home to a highly developed civilisation until a catastrophic meteor strike devastated the planet, reducing it to a post-apocalyptic world. The meteor also deposited a substance that is now found in nearly everything: Elex, and each faction uses it in a different way. Every inhabitant of the world is constantly looking for Elex, whether as a substance with magical powers, to use in a weapon or as a pure stimulant. 

Elex is all about contrasts: science vs fantasy, magic vs laser weapons and logic vs emotions. In ELEX, Piranha Bytes combines all the game elements that RPG fans love and has placed them in an entirely new environment: a science-fantasy setting. These contrasts are also evident in the various factions.

While one faction, the Albs, consider the ingestion of Elex as part of their cult, the Clerics group ban the consumption of Elex on religious grounds, and use it to build their high-tech weapons. The Berserkers however, a people who live in harmony with nature, process Elex into mana and use it to craft magical weapons. As for the Bandits, their society has no fixed rules, but they live by the credo: “Take anything you can grab, or someone else will.”

The new trailer features one of the major factions players can join in the world of Magalan: the Berserkers.

Having found a way to transmute Elex into pure Mana, the Berserkers are transforming Magalan’s shattered wastes into lush, living woodland. From their capital Goliet in Edan, they range through the world to find places to plant their "world hearts" – huge plants, able to revitalize the planet.

The Berserkers decline any kind of technology, with their city looking like it was lifted right from medieval times. When it comes to combat, they rely on sword, axes, crossbows... and magic.

Key Features

  • Sci-Fi Meets Fantasy: A post-apocalyptic universe that seamlessly blends science-fiction and fantasy elements.
  • Reason vs. Emotion: The player himself decides which way to go; there’s no right or wrong.
  • 100% Authentic: The game AI takes decisions that make the game action and events perfectly logical.
  • Epic Combat System: The complex combat system and total control over the characters enable you to “read” your enemies.
  • Jetpack Frenzy: Jetpack makes vertical exploration so much easier and offers a whole new dimension of fresh opportunities.
  • RPG True to its Name: The player’s decisions influence the course of the entire game.

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