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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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Perfect World Entertainment Rebrands Into Gearbox Publishing San Francisco

by Rainier on April 21, 2022 @ 1:25 p.m. PDT

Perfect World Entertainment will now be known as Gearbox Publishing, following their acquisition by Embracer Group in February.

We’re incredibly excited to announce that we are now Gearbox Publishing! Early in 2022, we were presented with a great opportunity to expand our horizons and extend our reach in the video game world. Our goal has always been to publish high-quality games that create lasting impressions, and Embracer Group has stepped up to help achieve this vision. Within Embracer, we’ve been placed in the loving care of the Gearbox Publishing wing of games, and we couldn’t be happier to join their family.

Rest assured, we’re the same dedicated team of gamers working on the same titles we had before. Despite the name change, our organization, employees, products, and passion remain - just with a new makeover. We’ll continue releasing content for our service titles like Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, and Have a Nice Death as we always have. Our previous releases, including games like Remnant: From the Ashes and the Torchlight trilogy, will remain under our umbrella, with more amazing new games to come!

What does this mean for me?
You will begin to see new branding for our games, replacing the Perfect World Entertainment logo with the Gearbox Publishing one. Additionally, our email addresses will change so expect to receive newsletters and support tickets from new accounts. Your favorite games should still be playable as usual.

What does this mean for Perfect World Entertainment games?
All of our games will continue to be published by the same group of enthusiastic gamers. Though the company name is changing, our titles, development plans, and passion for our work will remain.

When does this take effect?
You should start to see some of the changes immediately, like our new email addresses. Other things may take a bit longer, like getting our new logo in-game, but none of this should affect your gameplay in any way.

We’re appreciative of you enjoying our games and joining us on this journey to new horizons. The new partnership means bigger and better things, and we can’t wait to show you all the new experiences we’ve been working on as Gearbox Publishing

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