Archives by Day

June 2024


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Now I Know What A TV Dinner Feels Like

by Rainier on May 15, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Man, who knew watching TV was so tiresome? Being comfortable, cozy on the couch, snacking, and watching stuff sure makes you sleepy. However, before we dozed off, we managed to make a dent, checked out a few episodes of Bones, Kitchen Nightmares, Blue Bloods, Camelot, and Glee (thankfully, this is where I dozed off!).

At bat today: more of the same!

A big F**k You goes out to Fox network for canceling The Chicago Code, easily one of the best shows on TV right now. Obviously, nobody over there uses their brain.

The Event also got the ax over on NBC, but we were only watching that because we picked it up and wanted to follow the story. It was decent but nothing brilliant.

And After I Pull Off That Miracle, Maybe I'll Go Punch Out God

by Rainier on May 14, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

This will be a busy weekend. We have the usual chores to take care of, but we also have to do some packing/moving, as we're getting new windows installed next week, and the office desks have to be moved out to make space for the window installers to do their thing.

The main thing to do is watch shows on the DVR. We've been neglecting it for the past two weeks, and it has skyrocketed to 96% capacity, so we HAVE to veg out on the couch, eat chips, drink soda and watch TV. Such punishment! Luckily, there is nothing in the movie theater that we want to see. "Priest" looks interesting, but it's not something that we need to watch immediately.

Next week, we'll be switching to E3 mode to set up a slew of appointments and even attend the first pre-E3 event. Joy!

Happiness Is Something I Know Nothing About

by Rainier on May 11, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Well, that nap lasted longer than I had anticipated.

Watched the series finale of Stargate Universe last night, and I'm quite sad to see another Stargate series go off the air. It was a bit different than SG1 and Atlantis, but I enjoyed it, and the last few episodes were quite good. I had hoped for a few more answers or even a conclusion to Destiny's travels, but alas, the finale left us hanging with more questions.

Now, on to work ...

In This Sort Of Race, There's No Silver Medal For Finishing Second

by Rainier on May 10, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

It's an exciting day today! Lots of new games are due, such as Brink, The First Templar, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, MX vs. ATV Alive, Virtua Tennis 4, and a slew of others. Something for everybody, it seems. I'll be having a look at Brink, LEGO Pirates and maybe The First Templar. I like me some medieval hack 'n' slasher.

Contrary to previous years, we have a head start on E3. Most of our travel and hotel accommodations have been booked, and I even have the first appointment scheduled. Quite amazing, really.

My MSi Geforce GTX-Ti 560 is working like a charm. The gameplay has been very smooth, and there aren't any overheating issues. It has my seal of approval, so if you are looking for an excellent graphics card, I can safely recommend that one.

No More Training Do You Require. Already Know You, That Which You Need

by Rainier on May 9, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Another weekend has passed. Ready for another work week.

Saturday night we, saw Y&T in concert, which was awesome. Even Kip Winger (lead singer of Winger, best known for continuously being heckled by MTV's Beavis & Butthead) was pretty good with an acoustic set. Yesterday & Today was formed in 1972, so they were celebrating the 30th anniversary of their Earthshaker album, which they performed in its entirety, along with a bunch of other songs. The extended version of "I Believe In You," with amazing guitar solo work, was amazing and really made the night.

Apart from rocking out, I managed to install my Geforce GTX 560, we watched Fringe and the latest episode of Game of Thrones, and we went to the movie theater to watch "Thor."

The More You Sweat In Training, The Less You'll Bleed In Battle

by Rainier on May 7, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

A little bit of a late start, but we have a busy day ahead of us, so we've already been at it for a few hours.

Chores to do, errands to run, and then relax a little bit before we head out to the Y&T concert.

Last night we watched Camelot, and while last week's episode was good, this one was a snoozer. Too much talking, not enough sword fighting. Damn sissy Arthur is boring us to shreds ...

Oh, and lots of APB playing, of course.

What Kind Of Saint Hides In A Church?

by Rainier on May 6, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Hope everyone had a great Cinco de Mayo! We celebrated by hanging out with some friends and downing a pitcher of sangria.

Hey, why are my eyelids getting heavy ... ?

Don't Be Too Sure I'm As Crooked As I'm Supposed To Be

by Rainier on May 5, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Today was a good day. It was like an early birthday or Christmas, whichever works. Received my new GeForce 560 from NewEgg and my new 1TB HD (to replace my troublesome old IDE HD, which I'll back up and then send to digital heaven). This weekend, phase 2 of the new workstation will commence, and hopefully that'll be the end of it.

This weekend is shaping up to be a little busy with the movie premiere of Thor (so there!), and we also have a Y&T concert, which ought to be awesome since I've never seen them before but have been a longtime fan.

A little disappointed with APB ATM. The character import from the Realtime Worlds game has been brought online, but GamersFirst never gave many details about what you would be able to port over. It turns out to be hardly worth the hassle. All you can recuperate are some logo designs and your clothes — no cars, guns or character progression.

Sit Down And Shut Up, Will Ya? Try Not To Live Up To All My Expectations

by Rainier on May 4, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Whether you are a PS3, X360, Wii or PC fan, you have to admit that by now, there's so much egg on Sony's face, it must be hard for them to see.

While a $1 billion lawsuit may be a little extreme, I'm not really surprised that this is happening, and it probably won't be the last, either. I'm baffled that this happened in the first place, but the initial reaction also made me scratch my head.

Shortly after it happened, Sony was already on the case, rebuilding its network, improving security and infrastructure, and even moving it to a more secure location. Were they previously running it on a Pentium I computer under the basement stairs, unprotected? Sony Online's data was secure — oh wait, no it wasn't!

Man, what a mess ....

Be It A Rock Or A Grain Of Sand, In Water They Sink As The Same

by Rainier on May 3, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Well, my tinkering with the new quad core came to a screeching halt today. I managed to find an IDE to SATA adapter at Fry's, but I couldn't get it it work properly despite its fairly simplistic installation. The PC wouldn't recognize it at all, and then for some reason, it wouldn't even boot up anymore. This turned out to not be true at all, as my monitor just decided to have hiccups and turn black. Bottom line, I put my old dual core back together, so that I at least have a workstation, and I'll try again this weekend, when I have more time.

Been playing some APB, Stronghold Kingdoms and War Inc. and watched Game of Thrones.

If you are up for a good laugh, check this out (SFW, but you may not be able to control the giggling fits).

I've Been Called A Lot Of Things, But Never Funny

by Rainier on May 2, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

We managed to do most of the things we set out to do this weekend. I ordered a new graphics card (GeForce 550), saw Fast Five (good, entertaining flick, but be sure to stay until after the credits), and I even got around to putting my new PC together. Unfortunately my old dual core workhorse was more antiquated than i thought, as it still used an IDE HD as a boot disk. The new rig doesn't even accommodate that anymore, so I have to go track down an IDE/SATA connector.

In case you have been hiding in a cave, Prince William's wedding is old news. The new hot topic is the much-overdue termination of Osama bin Laden. Although bin Laden has been on the run for nearly a decade, US Special Forces has been tracking the al Qaeda leader for the past few months. They planned a raid on the compound in Pakistan and put an end to it all with a bullet to the head. Good riddance!

Now, You Must Wear The Cone Of Shame

by Rainier on May 1, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Last night, we saw our friend perform stand-up comedy, and while most people in the lineup were quite funny, he did not have a good show at all. He's got the talent, but he's been trying to mix it up and putting an act together to set him apart from the pack, but unfortunately, it's not gelling yet.

Today, we have a full schedule, gfx card research, computer assembly, and watching Fast Five. Let's see how many things we actually get done by the end of the day.

Oh yeah, I'll also play some APB Reloaded and probably install and check out RIFT.

What Do You Expect From A Teetotaling, Non-Smoking Vegetarian?

by Rainier on April 30, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

We're not royalty watchers, but we did stay up all night to watch Prince William get married to Kate Middleton. Monarchs are a dying breed, and royal weddings are few and far between, so why not? They are a cute couple, and the wedding was pretty cool to watch. Now, let's move on ....

This weekend, Fast Five is opening, so unless plans change, we're going to see it on Sunday. Speaking of watching, we checked out Stargate: Universe, Bones and Fringe.

Oh yea, and it's PC assembly time this weekend as well. Fear!

Time for some APB Reloaded (and GamersFirst, fix the damn latency/lag).

At My Signal, Unleash Hell

by Rainier on April 28, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

OK, I'm sold. I'm enjoying APB Reloaded, and while some of my gang members have been complaining about lag and game crashes, I've experienced neither thus far. I'm still slightly peeved that you can't really play with more than three other friends (a group of four), so you can't play as a team if you have a gang of 20+ people, but so be it.

For people who did not get in the closed beta, it'll be open to all in a week or two, so you only need to be patient for a little longer.

I know I've said it before, but this weekend, I AM going to fix my new quad core and do some research on a new video card. I need to get this box out of the middle of the office and test out the new CPU water-cooling thing that I bought. Maybe it'll also make the office feel less like a sauna, especially now that summer is coming up.

The Almighty Says This Must Be A Fashionable Fight. It's Drawn The Finest People

by Rainier on April 27, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Not a big shipping day yesterday, but I have to admit that I'm sort of intrigued by DarkSpore, I enjoyed it when I played it a few months ago. Wasn't a big fan of Spore, but something about the RPG/strategy mix in that setting appeals to me.

We temporarily stopped playing Mythos because we do not know whether the characters that we create through the European beta will carry over to the North American version when it launches. Don't want to risk putting all that hard work into leveling up if it's going to waste.

APB, however, is still fun!

Five-Foot-Nine, I Didn't Know They Stacked S**t That High!

by Rainier on April 26, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

That was a pretty quiet news day. I guess some parts of the globe were still kicking back on Easter Monday, which gave me some time to play some more APB Reloaded. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but the game plays a lot better than it did before. Whether it's improved vehicle control, physics or tighter combat, I'm liking it!

Last night we watched the first episode of HBO's new Game of Thrones series, and while it has been mainly introducing the story and characters, quite a few interesting things have already happened. While we also enjoy the new Camelot series, with or without the wimpy King Arthur, Game of Thrones already looks more promising after only one episode.

Joss Whedon started filming The Avengers. Yay!

I Mind My Own Business, I Bother Nobody, And What Do I Get? Trouble!

by Rainier on April 25, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Ah man, so much food and so much eating yesterday. We had a huge honey-glazed ham with various side dishes that kept us busy from lunch till dinner. I'm about to burst!

In between gorging myself, I played some APB Reloaded. I must admit that at first glance, not too much has changed from when Real Time Worlds ran the game. I'll have to play some more and check up on some of the details, but it was quite fun. I've also installed Rift (Trion's first MMORPG), so I'll be checking that out tomorrow.

We also watched Winter's Bone (didn't like it), Tangled (loved it), and the latest episode of Chuck. We had planned on watching the new HBO series Game Of Thrones, but with our bellies full, we decided to postpone that until tonight.

A Fake Reputation Is All A Man Has

by Rainier on April 24, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Today will be spent in the kitchen cooking up a feast for Easter, and no, we're not eating rabbit today. That would be sacrilegious; we'll reserve that for next week!

Once we are sufficiently stuffed with Honey Baked Ham, we're going to plop on the couch and watch some movies. Most likely, we'll pass out holding our bellies and cursing ourselves for eating too much.

It's a tough life ....

What A Story, Everything But The Bloodhounds Snappin' At Her Rear End

by Rainier on April 23, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Later today, we'll be tossing up a new contest to give away a few hundred Age of Empires Online beta codes. Keep an eye out if that sounds like something you might want to check out.

Going to do some research on a new gfx card later today and see what's good and decently priced. Maybe I'll finally have time to piece together that Quad Core sitting in the middle of my office so I can stop tripping over it.

Hope everybody is having a nice Easter weekend!

Why Go On Living When We Can Bury You For $49.50?

by Rainier on April 22, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Damn, it's already Friday. This week has sure passed by quickly.

Not much going on this weekend. Since it's Easter and all, we'll most likely lounge around, watch some movies and shows on the DVR, and play video games. We have people coming over on Sunday to celebrate Easter, but apart from that, it's a whole lot of nothing. Just the way we like it!

Seems like Amazon bit the big one yesterday (and problems are still ongoing) as  technical problems at one of its data centers has left tons of customers (regular people and businesses alike) without service, including Stronghold Kingdoms!

I finally managed to put some time into Portal 2, and it's good, funny and quite sarcastic (slyly calling you fat and dumb on multiple occasions). Haven't put in any multiplayer time in yet, but I'm looking forward to playing some co-op, especially with Chris, who has the PS3 version.

Keep an eye out later today, as we'll be handing out a few hundred beta codes for Age Of Empires Online!